1 StoryJumper
Storyjumper lets kids create and publish their own illustrated stories. Whether they’re beginning writers or seasoned pros, StoryJumper provides an outlet for kids to use their imaginations as well as learn some real writing strategy if they’re ready for it. The simple interface lets kids illustrate one page using a drag-and-drop graphics system while adding their own text on the facing page. When kids are finished, they can publish their story as viewable to the public, as private, or as viewable to friends and family only on the StoryJumper site.
Video Tutorial
To Earn Your Badge
- Make a account on and use your Google Sign-in.
- Create a class with your students and take a screenshot of it.
- Give 1-2 sentences explaining how your students could utilize this tool in the classroom.
- Take a screenshot of your student list in your class.