Worlds of Learning @

Jackson R-2 School District

Digital Badges in Professional Learning

Discovery Ed Spotlight on Strategies (K-6)

Discovery Ed Spotlight on Strategies (K-6)

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Spotlight on Strategies, or SOS, is a resource found in Discovery Education which provides educators with creative, research-based instructional strategies, presented by teachers for teachers. These simple instructional strategies incorporate digital media in meaningful, effective, and practical ways.

  1. Log in to your Discovery Education account.
  2. Select the Professional Learning tab at the page.
  3. Select Strategies and Resources.
  4. Select SOS and choose from a variety of strategies. Follow the directions and watch the video that accompanies the strategy.

Earn this Badge:

For evidence, please tell what strategy was used and which video it was used with. Then upload a picture of your class engaged in the strategy or their final product.


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